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Whatever your vision, LIV Developments has the skills, expertise and resources you need to make your dream home a reality.
So, you have decided that your family needs a vacation home. The next step for you is deciding, as to whether you should purchase an existing property or have your dream vacation home built from scratch. Others may argue that Learn More
Does ripping your roof off to add a new level to your house make you nervous? Does it seem like too drastic a change for you? If it means you’ll gain much-needed space in your home, should you do it? Learn More
When you own a rental property, you should be ready to take responsibility and some risks for your investment. Like they say, if you want to reap the rewards of your property, you should take those risks. We can Learn More
It has always been a bit challenging to distinguish between contemporary and modern house designs, but it’s not impossible. In general, architectural experts view contemporary style as anything rooted in the present or current design trend. Modern style, on the Learn More